2018 CycadSALE 1
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- Fishing/Camping/Boating

HORRIDUS (RSA) Offsets only.
The most popular cycad by far!!
DYERIANUS (RSA) sm. Offsets only.Fast growing,
highly ornamental, blue foliage, one of the rarest blue cycads,
makes a stunning feature plant, very hardy, blue cones.
Limited numbers available.
EUGENE MARAISSI - Blue form sm. ¥13000very few⇒ special 2 for ¥20000
Highly ornamental. Sth African species with erect blue/grey
leaves and large chocolate brown cones. Rare species, full sun,
or some shade and frost.
LEHMANNII (RSA) offsets only 7-18cm
Distinctive blue leaves, very hardy, handles frost, a very choice
collector plant. Blue-green cones Back in stock now
NUBIMONTANUS (RSA) – Blue form! ¥16000⇒ Special 2 for ¥24000
offsets 7-28cm
Recommended – fastest blue cycad Spectacular blue ,
long arching leaves & blue cones, vigorous, forms clusters,
full sun, extinct in nature
TRISPINOSUS (RSA) - blue offsets 10-18cm.
Distinctive blue foliage, very hardy, handles frost,
blue-green cones, a true collector plant.
Middleburgensis (RSA) - blue in ground only poa
Rare species Distinctive blue foliage, very hardy, handles frost,
blue-green cones, a highly ornamental specimen plant.
CERINUS (RSA) sm. ¥8500⇒ ¥5000 On special
Highly ornamented dwarf cycad, vigorous grower, green leaves
with waxy blue bloom, compact, sun or shade.
Cones emerge green, yellow on maturity. Very rare in habitat,
hardy, easy to grow. Good in pots or small places.
Almost extinct in nature.
MUNCHII (Mozambique) on SPECIAL was ¥6400⇒ med ¥5500 now
Blue green soft spiny leaves, new fronds lime green.
Large green cones. Medium size, very fast growing,
full sun best, now very rare close to extinct in the wild.
One of the most spectacular specimen cycads of all.
Highly recommended & vigorous.
SCLAVOI (Tanzania) sm. ¥6000⇒ Now ¥5000
Highly recommended. A distinctive blue/green foliage.
Cones emerge orange and turn olive/yellow.
One of the most ornamental species available.
Full sun or shade, slightly cold tolerant.
Stunning feature plant with compact foliage.
Will tolerate wetter conditions – very hardy.
Fast grower.One of the most attractive African Cycads
in a pot or as a feature plant, strong grower.
BUNIA sp. (Congo) sm ¥9000 med. ¥29000⇒ ¥16000 now
Stunning feature cycad with vigorous upright growth habit,
leaflets wider than Ituriensis, cones yellow not green.
Habitat almost gone, never offered, unknown. to be named.
EQUATORIALIS (Uganda) sm ¥8000⇒ Special 2 for ¥14000
now med ¥12000,very few
Spectacular, vigorous specimen cycad from a single relic
population. Very rare.
Produces numerous offsets, green cones, leaves erect,
glossy mid green. Produces cones in 8 years in S.E.Qld.
Unknown in cultivation. Going extinct in nature.
GRATUS (Mozambique) BEST BUY! sm. ¥2000, med ¥4000offsets 10cm & 28 cm
A spectacular fast growing specimen plant,
soft green leaves, chocolate brown cones, one of the
very best species, hardy and vigorous. Sun or shade.
Matures in S.E. Qld in 8 yrs. Easy to grow, very ornamental.
ITURIENSIS (Congo) ¥14000ea⇒–SPECIAL ¥9000 now larger size ¥15000.
2nd fastest grower.
A spectacular fast growing rainforest species.
Long arching erect leaves, produces numerous offsets
and multiple green cones.
A rare species that will grow in full sun or shade.
One of the very best in the genus. Vigorous grower.
LAURENTIANUS (Congo) BEST OF THE BEST –, sm ¥13000larger size ¥31000
Fastest.A spectacular specimen cycad, long arching gloss green
leaves (to 7m), impressive brown cones, very fast growing,
largest grower in the genus. Matures in 7.5 yrs in S.E. Qld.
Exceptional grower, very rare in cultivation, reasonably compact
if lower limbs get trimmed. Good in pot. Produces new leaves 3
times each year – recommended.
HILDEBRANDTII (Kenya) sm. ¥4800⇒ ¥4000
A medium to large fast growing cycad from the Kenyan coast
which likes full sun or part shade.
Has glossy bright green leaves,¥
which emerge orange/brown, cones are greenish yellow.
Tolerates wetter conditions, so is easy to grow and
becomes a striking specimen plant. Hardy grower,
tolerates many different soils.
MANIKENSIS (Zimbabwe) BEST BUY! sm. ¥2200⇒SPECIAL ¥1600 ea
med ¥5000 now
Long arching leaves, mid green. Very fast growing,
likes water and full sun. Impressive yellow/green cones.
Popular, one of the best species, easy to grow & hardy.
Good for beginners.
SPECIAL 2 for ¥8000 med ¥7500ea now
A large spectacular specimen plant, perhaps 3rd fastest growing
and most vigorous of all the Encephalartos.
Reaches maturity in SE Qld in less than 10 years.
Leaves held erect to 3m, cones prolifically, highly recommended.
ALTENSTEINII (South Africa) !med ¥7000
A medium large cycad to 5m forming clumps of 2 or 3 stems.
Cones are yellow green, leaves bright green.
A hardy adaptable cycad, easy to grow.
Grows in the sub-tropics and as far south as Melbourne.
Highly ornamental. Adapts to shade or full sun.
Closely resembles Natalensis.
ARENARIUS (South Africa) Offsets only.10cm -20 cm.
A vigorous and robust medium size cycad from South Africa. Attractive mid green foliage, green cones, suitable for frost free areas. Likes full sun but will adapt to part shade. Fast growing, responds to fertiliser and extra water. Rare.
GHELLINCKII (Mozambique) sold out, Very rare Sth African mountain Sp.Fine grey / green needle like leaves.True collector plant.Few
CONCINNUS (Zimbabwe)sold out ,few offsets
An attractive cycad from Zimbabwe, medium size to 3m,
foliage mid green slightly woollen, very uniform and
symmetrical. Prefers full sun.
Easy to grow, dislikes frost, makes an attractive feature plant.
Moderately fast growing. Uncommon.
DELUCANUS (Tanzania) SPECIAL - ¥20000ea (was ¥48000ea)
2 Offsets Beyond very rare.
Compact dwarf cycad with gloss mid green leaves &
green/yellow cones.
Never before offered - unknown. Collector plant.
FEROX (Mozambique) sm. ¥2600ea⇒ ¥2400 ea
One of the most attractive and ornamental cycads.
Leaves are wide glossy and deep holly green.
Cones are deep red. Will grow in full sun, prefers some shade.
A small to medium grower, likes sandy soil, needs very good
drainage. A feature plant, dislikes frost.
Excellent potted plant.
KISAMBO (Kenya Africa) sold out very few
Very attractive mid green leaves, med. sized cycad,
impressive yellow cones, full sun. Recommended.
LEBOMBOENSIS (previously Piet Retiefi) (South Africa)
med ¥4000 ea
Very spiney mid green leaves, med. sized cycad,
impressive brown cones, full sun. Recommended.
MSINGANUS (South Africa) ¥3200
Very recently described, mid green glossy leaves,
attractive medium size cycad. Good grower, prefers full sun,
good drainage. Very ornamental and rare in nature.
NATALENSIS(Sth Africa) ¥2500 very few
Mid green leaves, Compact, subterranean caudex.
Uncommon Recommended.
SENTICOSUS (Sth Africa) ¥3600
Mid green glossy leaves, yellow woolly cones, easy to grow.
TRANSVENOSUS (Sth Africa) ¥4800
Very fast growing Sth African Sp. Yellow cones, Very attractive
TURNERI (Mozambique) Sml ¥4000 ea
Rare species, attractive pinkish/orange cones.
Very distinctive leaves, few spines, cupped with a hook
on the end, leathery mid green. Full sun, excellent drainage.
SEPTENTRIONALIS (Uganda) Sml ¥7000 ea
Rare species, attractive yellowish cones. Very distinctive leaves, few spines, , leathery mid green. Full sun, excellent drainage. A rare collector plant first time offered.
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